Wednesday 20 November 2013

Jane's day 60 update

Celebrating a friends progress !!! Boom Bam ....60 days of taking #skinnyfiber. Amazing #weightloss, well done Jane .I got goose bumps when i put these 2 pictures side by side. Seriously..this aint no joke. 

Friday 15 November 2013

The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV Announces Skinny Body Care to Appear in 6-Part Mini Series

Join us now and earn while you lose…this will be huge!! Starting January 1st, for 13 weeks to go right along with our 90 Day Challenge, we have been invited to be the EXCLUSIVE 2014 New Years Weight Loss Partner for the hit morning talk show, on Lifetime, called “The #Balancing Act”. Look for more details toward the end of the year, as we get closer to going ON AIR! This is HUGE! And it keeps getting better!

Thursday 14 November 2013

Another weight loss success - sharing is caring

This is Mike and his battle with weight... 

I just wanted to take a minute and share a little bit of my story. I have always battled with a #weight problem my whole life.I was the fat kid in School and was picked on all the way through School and actually into adulthood. At one time in my Life I weighed in at a whopping 526 LBS.I had Bariatric surgery in Oct. of 1994 It worked at first I had lost a lot of weight. However I had gotten a job sitting at a desk all day and my activity level diminished greatly and the weight started creeping back. With that the depression crept back in and the vicious cycle started all over again. By July of 2010 I was weighing in again at 460 pounds. I was put in a wheel chair by my Dr. in 2007 because my legs couldn't handle my weight and I was falling a lot. I ended up in the Hospital in July of 2010 due to complications caused by obesity. While I laid there in the ICU unit. I made up my mind I really need to do something. So I started to modify my Diet and the weight started to go down but very slowly as I was still in a wheelchair and was not getting very much exercise. In February of 2011 a friend of mine Shared Skinny Fiber with me and Not only did I become a distributor with #SkinnyBodyCare I started using the product. I was shocked at the weight loss. I was feeling more energy and most of the cravings were fading away and when I did eat my meals I found I couldn't eat as much. I found I was averaging a 7-10 pound weight loss per week. (It Did slow to 3-5 after awhile) By Nov. Of 2011 I have lost enough weight I no longer use a wheel chair and donated it to someone less fortunate and needed one but had no insurance. I have lost over 100 pounds to date. Do I have a lot more weight to lose? You bet I do! I want to lose at least another 150 pounds. The biggest difference today is I have faith and determination that with Skinny Fiber I will succeed. My life has made such a change for the better that I actually enjoy leaving my home again. I still have some struggles because I am still way over weight, however I am not as heavy as I once was and there is a light at the end of the tunnel where once was all darkness. So please if you are Struggling with weight loss Give this product a try. We have so much faith in this product with so many testimonials from so many customers, That we have a 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

How Christen lost 36lbs

My story is a little different than most. I was NOT always overweight. As a matter of fact, I was used to being the “skinny” one. Then after having my 4th child via a csection in 2007, I developed a hospital acquired post-op infection. Long story short…I was hospitalized and given multiple IV antibiotics, had two blood transfusions, blood clots, fluid on my lungs, damage to my liver, and ended up with a partial hysterectomy. I was only 32 years old. The year following, I had my ovaries, appendix, tonsils, and two cervical lymph nodes removed. As a result of all the surgeries, I was left with large abdominal hernias that also had to be repaired. During this time, I took several rounds of steroids, was unable to exercise, and ate whatever made me feel well. My recovery was slow and difficult, and I gained A LOT of weight! I was not comfortable in my own body, I avoided mirrors, and I was VERY unhappy. 

My lowest point, and something I will never forget, was overhearing someone talk about me and saying “Wow! She really got fat!” I cried and cried! After that, I avoided people I knew. I skipped weddings, events, and even dodged people in the grocery store! A friend of mine, Jackie, introduced me to Skinny Fiber in November of 2011. I had been following her progress and positive results with the product, but I was still skeptical. I had already tried so many different products and fad diets that had promised results, but did not deliver them. Finally, I decided to give one more product a try….Skinny Fiber! I figured with the 30 day, empty bottle money back guarantee, I had nothing to lose, but pounds!! And so my SF journey began!

Since taking SF, I have lost 36 lbs, countless inches, and went from a tight size 16 pants to a size 9/10! I take several maintenance medications including a thyroid pill and a hormone replacement. SF has not affected any of my meds! As a matter of fact, the dose of my thyroid pill was recently decreased for the first time ever! I had a liver biopsy in January 2012 (only 2 mths on SF) and for the first time since 2007, I had had positive results. My liver enzymes were finally in the normal range and they have remained that way ever since! I still have a fatty liver BUT there is a NEW, 14mm area on my most recent scan that shows an area of healthy, nonfatty liver. Wow! Where did that come from?! When my doctor asked me what I was doing differently, the only answer I had, was that I started to take Skinny Fiber

I am so excited about the way SF and weight loss has changed my life that I want to inspire and motivate others to make a change for a better future!!! With Skinny Fiber, I am on the road to lifelong recovery, weight loss, improved health, and happiness! I often ask others, “What is holding you back from where you want to be in life??”

I would also like to share with everyone that SF did not work quickly for me. As a matter of fact, I only lost a few pounds the first month. I was really discouraged and thought about not taking it. I am more than thrilled that I stuck it out! I am a firm believer that people should choose a minimum 90 day challenge for this very reason. I was definitely one of those people that lost inches before pounds. I have had to learn NOT to look at the number on the scale, but instead go with how I feel and how my clothes fit. Skinny Fiber is a part of my daily routine now and for life!!!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Manage your weight for good

Healthy Weight Management and detoxification 

Packed with the worlds best weight management ingredients and powerful enzymes.

Getting the weight down - Jackie's view

I just love the testimonies we keep getting about this All Natural Weight loss/Management fiber. Jackie say's 

"After watching my niece Alisha for several months having dramatic weight loss and inch loss taking a product called Skinny fiber, I just had to ask her What are you doing and where do I get this! I have been the big girl all my life and have tried everything short of by-pass surgery to fix my weight problem. I’ve had some short term successes along the way, but always hit the plateau wall easily. Once the plateau hit, the pounds started returning and then some. I started Skinny Fiber May 1st and am happy to report I am down 42 pounds and 40.5 inches! Not only that, I feel AWESOME! I have more energy and less pain and actually feel 20 years younger! I also had higher than recommended cholesterol and the first 6 weeks my cholesterol dropped by 33 points! That pleased my DR! I can’t believe that I am never hungry! I don’t crave sweets or carbs (always my downfall)! I have a long ways to go, I’m a work in progress! Skinny Fiber is helping so many people in so many ways!" 

Weight Loss, Weight Management and Healthier lifesyle with Patience: Join SBC

Weight Loss, Weight Management and Healthier lifesyle with Patience: Join SBC: Become A Distributor Become A Skinny Body Care Affiliate Skinny Body Care enables the individual to become part of their ma...

Sunday 10 November 2013

Inspiring testimony

Totally inspired by Simone's story, this is what she had to say

"This is my husband Stephen - he's been taking Skinny Fiber for about 9 weeks now. He was/is a skeptic about these types of diet fad things he says. He only started taking Skinny Fiber for one reason & that was to support me in my weight loss.
Well he is still the skeptic and won't really admit he can see a difference - I think he is just being modest though or even his eyes retested

Get great motivation and fun join our #FREE#weightsupportgroup 

Thursday 7 November 2013

Networking as part of my family life.

Every Tuesdays is my son’s swimming lesson, I make time to make sure he is right on time for one of his favourite activities. During his sessions I get the opportunity to watch him swim while I chat with other parents, very crucial and invaluable time. He has been swimming since infancy; I suppose I introduced him to swimming partly because I love swimming myself. Watching him swim takes me right back to my childhood, swimming at Luveve swimming pool and competing for my primary school Inzwananzi and of course leisure swimming at St James Secondary School. While I watch him swim, silently I cheer “you go my precious stone”, sometimes having to hold myself back from jumping in the pool to say to him “this is how you do it son”. These are the joys of being a mum. It is at such events that I usually strike some conversations with people to connect and network. We start talking about our children and how far they have come with their confidence in the water; a good friend tells her tale of how much she enjoys what’s called open or wild swimming. Oh yes that’s how I learnt swimming initially total bliss and freedom, in the great lakes, dams and streams behind our homestead in Tsholotsho near Solusi University where I did a Bachelors in Education after completing a teachers training at ChinhoyiUniversity. My wild swimmer friend goes on to talk about looking forward to a great swim this coming weekend, I begin to shiver at the thought of swimming wild in the woods in November, Me and cold aren’t best friends !!!! I  love swimming dearly, but in this time of the year definitely not in the open waters, just could not be convinced, we laugh hysterically. One of the regular parents points out that I have lost weight, well yes, I love hearing that, I smile with pride and begin to show them my before and after photos. I also pull out my Skinny Fiber bottle from my handbag, she asks for my website, and we exchange contacts. The conversation goes on about how i have lost the weight in such a short space of time. What a great time spent, networking while supporting and nurturing my son, it reminds me that this is part of my daily task in my Facebook weight loss support group. My little boy has been in stage 5 class for about 6 months, he has persevered and endured and i have done some motivation as he was beginning to wonder why he was not moving up the rank. Today’s lesson is done and many thanks to God almighty, my son has been moved up to the next stage 6, next Tuesday I will be networking again with other fabulous people.Life is good.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Curious about Network marketing

Yes, we have people of various body types and sizes that are using the product and get great results. People are eating less and enjoying how they feel. IT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE, HAVE LOST OVER 2 STONES SINCE APRIL 2013, I AM SLEEPING MUCH BETTER, HAVE MORE ENERGY WITHOUT THE JITTERS OR RACING HEARTBEAT, AND MY HAIR & NAILS ARE GROWING SO FAST & SO STRONG!

2. Do I get a website?
Yes, you get 7 FREE websites to share Skinny Fiber with others. There is no additional cost to you. You just continue to purchase 1 bottle of Skinny Fiber or Ageless each month and that keeps you active.

3. How do we get paid for people that join Skinny Body Care? 
There are 8 different ways that you will receive pay from.

4. Will I be trained on how to build my business? 
Online Training is offered everyday to all Distributors. The top leaders also share all tools, tips, and marketing material to help you with being successful. ALSO YOU WILL BE ADDED TO A GROUP OF DISTRIBUTORS ON FACEBOOK WHO WILL HELP YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, YOU WILL MAKE LIFELONG FRIENDS AND LOVE WHAT YOU’RE DOING!

Monday 4 November 2013

Holly's testimony

Skinny Fiber is saving my life 1 day at a time. I have lost almost 100lbs and counting.. plus I no longer suffer from my Acid Reflux and my IBS plus my Blood pressure is back to normal.. I dont know where I would be if it wasnt for my Skinny Fiber.. Probably still killing myself with all the weight I used to weigh. I am now also able to stand for a few mins from my wheelchair and i feel much better and more energy as well.
I have went from 291lbs to 192.4lbs. Click here for more information

Facing up to the daily Challenges

It’s a Monday evening and driving home through the little village Turvey between Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire. I am just reflecting on the day’s events with a smile and pride of how I have conducted my most challenging meetings and calls successfully. Measuring success in my line of work is multifaceted; usually see results after couple of months. While I look back with pride, it strikes me that one task is still outstanding and has been since morning, I have consoled myself for not getting on with the task under the name of prioritising!!! The bottom line is “I am avoiding the task” not because I can’t do it, but I presume I am looking at how much emotional and psychologically draining it’s going to be for me. Ever been confronted by something you have to do, that’s unavoidable but have to do it? Be it an assignment, test, a difficult conversation at work or a crisis at home demanding your attention?

I believe I am not alone to have had thoughts like “how can I escape this, can I do it tomorrow, is there any harm if I don’t do it, can I just run. Often I reach a point where I resolve to do it, and then I will fantasize about the outcomes”.  When hard situations confront us, we get scared, we get frustrated, we procrastinate. We desperately want to get out from under the weight of it all.

But what if, in the hard situations you face, what if someone has been there and has various solutions to your challenges? Find out more here 

Getting out of the cyle of change successfully

Yesterday I had a great opportunity of hanging out with people that I felt were more or less in the same boat with myself. This was an exhibition for small work from home enterprises, with a notion to coach and guide community members to join or start up their own projects. Since April 2013, this was my 4th offline exhibition, I am definitely growing in confidence; my professional marketing skills are growing by day and can now focus on marking my products without the edge of coercing and begging people to understand that my product, Skinny fiber, is a great weight loss product and business opportunity. Yes I am passionate about skinny fiber, yes it has worked for me and still is, but I am now mindful of the fact that people usually go through the cycle of change which Prochaska and DiClimentemost points out as a great model to explore about behavioural change. My own understanding of change through my own experience and observation is that people cannot simply be divided into two categories – the ‘doing’ and the ‘not doing’ or the ‘motivated’ and the others. More and more marketing to people has revealed that people will have a range of feelings at different times about taking on the responsibility to make a positive life changing decision, and often; it will take more than one attempt to change some behaviours. This insight has enabled me to relax at such networking events and focus more on sharing, getting to know more about people’s successes, challenges and building relationships.

Weight Loss, Weight Management and Healthier lifesyle with Patience: Online marketing solutions

Weight Loss, Weight Management and Healthier lifesyle with Patience: Online marketing solutions: Solutions to complicated online marketing 

Online marketing solutions