Thursday 14 November 2013

Another weight loss success - sharing is caring

This is Mike and his battle with weight... 

I just wanted to take a minute and share a little bit of my story. I have always battled with a #weight problem my whole life.I was the fat kid in School and was picked on all the way through School and actually into adulthood. At one time in my Life I weighed in at a whopping 526 LBS.I had Bariatric surgery in Oct. of 1994 It worked at first I had lost a lot of weight. However I had gotten a job sitting at a desk all day and my activity level diminished greatly and the weight started creeping back. With that the depression crept back in and the vicious cycle started all over again. By July of 2010 I was weighing in again at 460 pounds. I was put in a wheel chair by my Dr. in 2007 because my legs couldn't handle my weight and I was falling a lot. I ended up in the Hospital in July of 2010 due to complications caused by obesity. While I laid there in the ICU unit. I made up my mind I really need to do something. So I started to modify my Diet and the weight started to go down but very slowly as I was still in a wheelchair and was not getting very much exercise. In February of 2011 a friend of mine Shared Skinny Fiber with me and Not only did I become a distributor with #SkinnyBodyCare I started using the product. I was shocked at the weight loss. I was feeling more energy and most of the cravings were fading away and when I did eat my meals I found I couldn't eat as much. I found I was averaging a 7-10 pound weight loss per week. (It Did slow to 3-5 after awhile) By Nov. Of 2011 I have lost enough weight I no longer use a wheel chair and donated it to someone less fortunate and needed one but had no insurance. I have lost over 100 pounds to date. Do I have a lot more weight to lose? You bet I do! I want to lose at least another 150 pounds. The biggest difference today is I have faith and determination that with Skinny Fiber I will succeed. My life has made such a change for the better that I actually enjoy leaving my home again. I still have some struggles because I am still way over weight, however I am not as heavy as I once was and there is a light at the end of the tunnel where once was all darkness. So please if you are Struggling with weight loss Give this product a try. We have so much faith in this product with so many testimonials from so many customers, That we have a 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee 

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